There are items in Parkour that you can use either for cosmetic purposes or to even help you along your parkour journey. Most of them are unlocked from chests.
Fishing Rod - Unlocked from the Ancient Chest. You can fish up items at any parkour map with water to catch rare items.
Lucky Emerald Hat - Unlocked from the Ancient Chest.
Ancient Crown - Unlocked from the Ancient Chest.
Pegasus Boots - Unlocked from the Legendary Chest , Promotion Crates or
for 7.5 cubits. These enchanted leather boots are enchanted with Speed 1.
Dye Bundle - 1x of EVERY dye can be unlocked from the Ancient Chest.
Traveler's Bundle - [1x Arrow, 8x XP bottles, 1x Speed Potion, 1x Jump Boost Potion] can be unlocked from the Ancient Chest.
Enderpearls Available from Mystery Chests, Ancient Chests, Legendary Chests, Promotional Chests,
and /kit elite
. Teleports you to wherever they are thrown.
Crystal Chestplate, Leggings - Unlocked from the Legendary Chest.
Leather Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots - Unlocked from Ancient Chest.
Rainbow Helmet - Makes your leather helmet (from
) flash different colors. It is not able to be won anymore.
Speed Potions - Available from
/kit donator
, Mystery Chests and Promotional Chests.
Jump Boost Potions - Obtained from Promotional Crates. Use them to your advantage on jumps that may be harder than what you expected!
Invisibility Potions - Can turn you and others invisible for a few minutes while on a map. Available from
/kit donator
Cooldown Reset Token - Obtained from the Ancient Chest, Legendary Chest, Promotional Chest. You can use it to reset your Adventure Map cooldowns in order to get the full reward.
Portable Checkpoints - Obtained from the Ancient and Legendary Chest. You can consume these to create a personal checkpoint wherever you are standing.
Balloons - Cosmetic balloons that you can carry around the server. 3 available per week in
, 40 currently in rotation.
Hats - Blocks and items you can wear on your head with /hat. 5 available per week in
, 150 currently in rotation.
Banners - Cosmetic items you can wear with
. 2 available per week in /shop
, 30 currently in rotation.
Particle Trails - Cosmetic trails that will follow behind you. 1 available per week in
, 30 in rotation.
Disguises - Disguises to make your character look like different animals/NPC’s to other players. 1 available per week in
, 30 in rotation.