The Map Maker World is a separate world from Parkour and the Adventure Maps on the Parkour server. This world is set in creative mode, and is comprised of plots, where players can build their own maps. You can access the Map Maker World by either using /warp mapmaker
, /maker
, or clicking the wooden axe in your /warp
NOTE: You must have the Initiate rank to claim plots in Map Maker world.
/warp mapmaker
- Teleports you to Map Maker World
- Brings up the Map Maker GUI
/plot auto
- Teleports you to an unclaimed plot and automatically claims it for you.
/plot claim
- Claims the plot you are currently standing in, if it isn’t already claimed
/plot home
or/plot v
- Teleports you to your first claimed plot. If you have more than one plot, add the number of the plot you wish to go to (Example: /plot v xDacon 3 would take you to xDacons third plot)
/plot clear
- This will clear the current plot without unclaiming it
/plot delete
- Removes any building and unclaims the plot you are currently standing on (If you’re the owner of the plot you’re trying to delete)
/plot kick (player)
- Kicks a player from your plot. This is temporary and they may return.
/plot deny (player)
- Bans a player from being able to access the selected plot
/plot trust (player)
- Gives the selected player full building/breaking permissions on your plot, as well as worldedit permissions.
/plot add (player)
- Gives the selected player full building/breaking permissions on your plot, while you are online.
/plot remove (player)
- Removes building/breaking permissions to the plot for the selected player.
/plot chat
- Toggles speaking in plot chat, only players that are on that specific plot will be able to see and communicate in that plot chat.
/plot middle
- Teleports you to the middle of the plot you are currently standing on.
/plot info
- Shows all the important information regarding the plot you are standing in; including the plot ID (Can be used to teleport to plots as well,/plot v 10;10
would take you to the plot with that ID) the owner of the plot, the players trusted to the plot, and the players added to the plot.
/plot setbiome (biome)
- Sets a specific biome in your plot.
/we help <page number>
- Brings up world edit help. Page number is required.
- Provides a link to the Map Submissions page and instructions on how to properly submit your map.
TIP: While
/we help <page number>
displays available commands, detailed information on the basics of worldedit can be found on the Creative portion of the wiki.
Once you have claimed a plot, one of the many useful commands is /maker
. You can also access this by right clicking the nether star in your hotbar. The tools in this GUI will be useful for many things you may want to do while in the map maker world, and will be good to assist you when building your map.
The feather will give the option to change your fly speed. Like the regular
, all players have access to increase their fly speed boost to 2x and players with VIP rank or higher will have the option to increase it to 3x, 4x or 5x.
The steve head accesses the head database and can also be opened through
. It will give you access to many decorative player heads that can be included as jumps or decoration in maps.
The book and quill gives instructions on how to submit your map once you have finished building it.
The book gives you the link to the article on Making Original Maps, which has all the information you need to know on building and submitting maps.
The red, yellow and green stained glass panes let you rate the plot you are currently in, you cannot rate your own plot.
The command block shows a list with available commands for plots.
The end portal gate lets you travel between your plots, currently it only works with your first two plots.